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French Protestant Church of London
The early years of the Huguenot Society of London and its international connections
04 Mar, 2021 by Huguenot Society
Created in the bicentenary year of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes by directors of the French Hospital, the Huguenot Society of London, now of Great Britain and Ireland, would become well known internationally for its publications, its research collections at the Huguenot Library, and its links with similar societies worldwide....
The French Protestant Church of London, Soho Square
16 Sep, 2020 by Huguenot Society
With the French Protestant Church of London preparing to reopen this Sunday after its impressive renovation, and the Covid-19 closure, we take a look at the Church's history and influence from its foundation in 1550 to the present day....
Spitalfields' Huguenots
22 May, 2020 by Huguenot Society
Spitalfields, formerly part of the large parish of Stepney, became a parish in its own right with the consecration of Christ Church, in 1729. By this date, the Huguenot refugees who had settled there in the 1680s, in search of religious freedom, had made their name as expert silk weavers, and successful businessmen, and had their own chapels.The poorer members of this tight-knit community were assisted by Huguenot relief agencies, and a charity school operated under the auspices of the French Church of London ....