Some eminent Huguenots in Early Modern Medicine
26 Feb, 2024 by Huguenot Society
The eminent Huguenot physician Theodore de Mayerne stands out as one of the foremost doctors of the early modern period in Europe. Here fellow Joyce Hampton explores his career in England, the role he played within the medical sciences in his country of adoption, and his legacy among the physicians who followed him - in particular his nephew and great-nephew, Sir John and Sir Theodore Colladon....
Medical curiosities and disease in Bouhéreau’s diary
08 Aug, 2020 by Huguenot Society
The previous post explored the various career paths followed by Élie Bouhéreau as he sought to earn a living as a Huguenot refugee. Having trained as a medical doctor before the Revocation, he regularly recorded in his diary medical curiosities and incidences of disease encountered during his eventful life ....