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Assistance with research

While the Huguenot Society and the Huguenot Library are happy to provide information or advice on genealogical and other research into the Huguenots, no responsibility is taken for any opinion given or research undertaken on either a paid or voluntary basis, or for any delay that may occur during the course of the research.

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News and Events

Bursary for Huguenot Research
The Huguenot Society is launching a new annual bursary to support and encourage research into Huguenot individuals and communities. Please watch this space for further details about the 2025 bursary application. Further details on the bursary are available from the 2024 bursary notice and the application form here.

2024-25 Lecture Series
The next lecture in the 2024-5 series will feature Kathleen Commons of the University of Sheffield, who will deliver the paper '"Upon pretence of fleeing for persecution for the cause of religion": refugee law in early modern England'. The lecture will be delivered online through Zoom starting at 20.00 (8.00 pm) on Wednesday, 15 January 2025. For further details on the meeting and to register attendance by Zoom, please contact [email protected]. A list of all the papers in the lecture series can be found on the members' annual programme card.