The main focus of the collections is on the history of the Huguenots in Great Britain and Ireland, but the Library holds material on a much wider span of Huguenot-related topics, and covers the history of the Huguenots in France and the wider diaspora. The archive collection in particular provides an invaluable insight into the lives of the immigrants in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
Both the library and the archive collections contain significant sources for genealogical research. Please see the Family History page for information about the available sources, and guidance on researching Huguenot ancestors. Most of the material covers the period from 1550 to 1750.
For further details of the collections, see Library collections page.
The library's printed and archive holdings have been catalogued on Explore, the UCL Library online catalogue. See the Library catalogues page for more information on the online archive database and on the existing printed catalogues, published as volumes in the Huguenot Society's Quarto Series. Details of family papers in the archive are also available on the online archive database.
For further details on visiting, see Visiting the Library page.