The Huguenot Society has published on CD-ROM a number of its Quarto Series volumes of Huguenot records and also its genealogical journal Huguenot Families

Quarto Series

Threadneedle Street Extracts

Vol. IX - Registers of the French Church of Threadneedle Street, London, Part I.
Vol. XIII - Register of the French Church of Threadneedle Street, London, Part II.
Vol. XVI - Registers of the French Church of Threadneedle Street, London, Part III.
Vol. XXIII - Register of the French Church of Threadneedle Street, London, Part IV.



Vol. XI - Register of the French Church of La Patente, Spitalfields, London.
Vol. XXXIX - Register of the French Church of Saint Jean, Spitalfields.


CD-ROM 3: Double CD ROM
Denization & Naturalization:

Vol. X - Lists of Aliens Resident in London, Henry VIII to James I, Parts I, II and III and Index.
Vol. LVII - Returns of strangers in the metropolis 1593, 1627, 1635, 1639
Vol. VIII - Letters of Denization and Acts of Naturalization for Aliens in England, 1509-1603.
Vol. XVIII - Letters of Denization and Acts of Naturalization in England and Ireland, 1603-1700.
Vol. XXVII - Letters of Denization and Acts of Naturalization in England and Ireland, 1701-1800.
Vol. XXXV - A Supplement to Dr WA Shaw's Letters of Denization and Acts of Naturalization in Vols. XVIII and XXVII


Naturalizations of Foreign Protestants in the Americas

Volume XXIV: Naturalizations of Foreign Protestants in the American and West India Colonies Pursuant to Statute 13 George II, c.7.


Irish Extracts

Vol. VII - Registers of the French Conformed Churches at St Patrick and St Mary, Dublin.
Vol. XIV - Registers of the French Nonconformist Churches, Dublin.
Vol. XIX - Register of the French Church, Portarlington, Ireland.
Vol. XLI - Lists of Huguenot Pensioners in Ireland.


Walloon and Huguenot churches outside London (1):

Vol. I - The Walloons and their Church at Norwich, their History and Register, 1565-1832, 1 vol. in 2 parts.
Vol. XII - Register of the Dutch Church, Colchester
Vol. XVII - Register of the French Church, Thorney
Vol. XX - Register of the French Church, Thorpe-le-Soken.


Walloon and Huguenot churches outside London (2):

Vol. IV - Registre de I'Eglise Wallonne de Southampton
Vol. V - Registers of the Walloon Church in Canterbury, Parts 1-3.
Vol. XV - History of the Walloon and Huguenot Church at Canterbury.
Vol. XX - Registers of the French Churches, Bristol, Plymouth, and Stonehouse.


Inmates of the French Hospital, 1718-1957:

Vols. LII, LIII - French Protestant Hospital: inmates of, and applicants to, 1718-1957, and applicants for the Coqueau Charity 1745-1901.
Vol. LV - The Case Book of 'La Maison de Charité de Spittlefields' 1739-1741


Huguenot Churches in London::

Vol. XXV - Registers of the French Church of le Carre and Berwick Street, London.
Vol. XXVI - Registers of the French Churches of the Savoy, Spring Gardens and les Grecs, London.
Vol. XXII -  Le Livre des Conversions et des Reconnoissances faites à lEglise françoise de la Savoye, 1684-1702.
Vol. XXVIII - Registers of the French Churches of the Chapel Royal, St James, and Swallow Street, London.
Vol. XXIX - Registers of the French Churches of the Tabernacle, Glasshouse Street, and Leicester Fields, London.
Vol. XXX - Register of the French Church of Rider Court, London.
Vol. XXXI - Register of the French Church of Hungerford Market, later Castle Street, London.
Vol. XXXII - Registers of the French Churches of Le Petit Charenton, West Street, Pearl Street, and Crispin Street, London.
Vol. XXXVII - Register of the Church of St Martin Orgars with its history and that of the Swallow Street  Church.
Vol. XLII - Register of the Artillery Church, London.
Vol. XLV - Registers of Wheeler Street, Swanfields, Hoxton, La Patente de Soho, Répértoire Général.


Consistory and Administrative Records, c.1560-1660:

Volume II - Les Actes des Colloques des Eglises Françaises et des Synodes des Eglises Estrangères Refugiées en Angleterre, 1581-1654
Volume XXXVIII - Actes du Consistoire de l'Eglise Française de Threadneedle Street, Londres, Vol. I, 1560-1565
Volume XLVIII - Actes du Consistoire de l'Eglise Française de Threadneedle Street, Londres, Vol. II, 1571-1577
Volume LIV - A Calendar of the Letter Books of the French Church of London from the Civil War to the Restoration, 1643-1659
Volume LIX - Unity in Conformity: The Minutes of the Coetus of London, 1575 and the Consistory Minutes of the Italian Church of London, 1570-1591


Threadneedle Street and French Protestant Refugees, c.1660-1700:

Volume XXI - Le livre des Tesmoignages de l'Eglise de Threadneedle Street, 1669-1789.
Volume XLIX - French Protestant Refugees Relieved through the Threadneedle Street Church, London, 1681-1687
Volume LVIII - Minutes of the Consistory of the French Church of London, Threadneedle Street, 1679-1692


CD-ROM 10:
Registers of the French Churches of Guisnes, Cadzand, Dover, and Le Mans:

Volume III - Register of the Protestant Church at Guisnes, 1668-1685
Volume XXXVI - Register of the Walloon Church at Cadzand in Holland
Volume XLVII - Registers of Le Mans
Registers of the French Church at Dover, Kent, privately printed in 1888 by F. A. Crisp

CD-ROM Supplementary Series:
Huguenot Families 1-20.

Huguenot Families was a half-yearly publication of the Huguenot Society, which dealt with genealogy and family history, published between 1999 and 2009. All 20 issues are now available on a single CD-ROM.



Single CD-ROM: FELLOWS £12.50, NON-FELLOWS £15.

Double CD-ROM no.3: FELLOWS £25.00, NON-FELLOWS £30

UK Postage on all single/double CD-ROM will be charged as follows, but subject to review if postal rates change: £3.00.

For multiple CD-ROM orders please add £1.00 extra postage per CD-ROM.

For international payment arrangements, including postage charges, please see here.

To place an order, please send a cheque for the appropriate amount, made payable to 'The Huguenot Society', to: The Administrative Officer, The Huguenot Society, PO Box 444, Ruislip, HA4 4GU.
email: [email protected]

Download price information and a printable order form.


News and Events

Bursary for Huguenot Research
The Huguenot Society is launching a new annual bursary to support and encourage research into Huguenot individuals and communities. Please watch this space for further details about the 2025 bursary application. Further details on the bursary are available from the 2024 bursary notice and the application form here.

2024-25 Lecture Series
The next lecture in the 2024-5 series will come from Prof. Christopher Joby of the University of East Anglia, who will speak on 'Finance in the Norwich exile community'. The event will be held at the East India Club, 16 St James's Square, London SW1Y 4LH starting at 18.00 (6.00 pm) on Wednesday, 12 March 2025. The lecture will be followed by a dinner at the Club. For further details on the meeting and to register attendance for the lecture and dinner, please contact [email protected]. A list of all the papers in the lecture series can be found on the members' annual programme card.